Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Spiritual Path of Deep Healing


The Spiritual Path of
Deep Healing

An integral part of the healing process is spiritual. However, in our medical/healthcare culture, the discussion of God and Spirit is considered taboo. While many health practitioners ranging from hospital workers to psychological counselors believe and practice in their personal lives a belief in God and a spiritual understanding of how life works, they have been taught or regulated that things such as prayer and matters of the spirit are not permitted to be incorporated into healthcare or medical practice. An exception is tolerated if you use sufficiently vague terms such as “A Higher Power” and talk of meditation rather than prayer. Even if the patient shares the same religious beliefs or faith, we are told to speak in vague spiritual generalities. Providers who talk openly or even in hushed tones to their patients or clients about spiritual matters are considered rogue.
But the truth is, as I see it, (and please be advised that what I share here are my beliefs and understanding), true and deep healing of the body and the mind cannot be fully achieved without engaging the deep spiritual recesses of our being.

Let me share a couple examples of what deep healing under the hands of Jesus can be. I believe that Jesus Christ is The Master Healer during both his mortal ministry as well as today. The following biblical accounts have both backstories as well as “the rest of the story” which I use to illustrate the deeper healing many of us seek.
You are familiar with the story of the Woman at the Well in the Bible. Jesus approached a Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well and asked for a drink of water. During the course of their conversation, he revealed details of her life no one could have known and then testifies that he is indeed the Promised Messiah. She believes him. What happened next? According to early Christian sources, here’s the rest of the story. Jesus and his disciples spent several days in this Samaritan village resulting in the conversion and baptism of the majority of its residents. The woman at the well being the foremost convert. As was the custom of the day, new converts would take on a new name. The name she chose was Photini, which means enlightened one. She along with her five sisters and two sons became energetic evangelists in the early Christian church traveling throughout the region spreading the Good News of the Gospel. These bold and fearless disciples eventually traveled and preached in the crazed roman ruler Nero’s court. As a result of their ministry, Nero’s daughter and 100 slave girls joined the Christian cause. The brilliant light of Photini could not be shaken or dimmed. She was considered in her evangelical work to be on par with the apostles. Ultimately Photini, her sisters and sons, were said to feel “honored” to suffer martyrdom for Christ under the wicked hand of Nero.

Remember the story of the man who was born blind that was healed by Jesus on the sabbath? This created great controversy in the Pharisee's religious community. This now sighted man was brought to testify in the Jewish court as were his parents. We know he was of age. Which means he was perhaps in his 30’s. My question has been this. After all of the excitement settled down, what happened to this man. For many years he sat as the blind beggar. He was the lowest of the low from a socio-economic standpoint. Uneducated, probably poorly groomed and dressed in rags. His world was dark - visually, emotionally and probably spiritually. And then he was healed. 
The New Testament was written in Greek. There are several Greek words that are translated into the English word “healed”. There appears to be several levels or categories of healing in the New Testament. The highest level of healing is represented by the word SOZO (pronounced: Sode-zo). Sozo means healed, saved AND delivered. Not everyone Jesus healed received this highest level of healing.
For example, the 10 lepers who were healed received a physical healing only. However, the one leper who returned to thank Jesus was then offered the greater healing as indicated by the use of the word Sozo – healed, saved and delivered. As stated in the gospel of Luke: One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan!
Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well (Sozo)" Luke 17:15-19.
Back to the blind beggar: The blind beggars’ healing was also of this higher level of healing (Sozo). Without a trade or marketable skills what became of him. As a result of his earlier life, he was essentially unemployed. But his healing by the touch of the master's hand was not merely physical. He was not only healed by Jesus but his spirit was transformed and unleashed. He was a man whose soul was ignited. He could not be silenced. He is identified in the early Christian writings by the name Celidonius. Eventually he and several others sailed to France where Celidonius founded a church of Jesus Christ.

My intent in sharing these stories is not the physical healing or the miracles which occured, but rather the complete change of heart, change of perspective and transformation of each of these souls. And herein lies the true secret to health. True health and lasting healing is difficult to achieve by following a list of do’s and don'ts. White knuckled determination and discipline rarely produce the results we seek. But when our heart is changed, when we can finally break free from the emotional constraints that bind our heart and soul and darken our perception, our life truly changes.

So the big question must be: “How can someone experience this kind of change?” How can our lives be so transformed that we truly become new. It is said that the fast track to transformative change involves humiliation and suffering. I believe that God allows our bodies to fall apart to teach us how to listen. However, steady incremental work and change is also a proven path. I don’t recommend looking for humiliation and suffering, but rather, shifting how we make decisions. This will put us on a sure path of healing and change for the better. A shift in perspective and understanding can set us on a new path.
Begin by listening
Each of us has an inner voice that can teach and guide us. Some call it our conscience, the light of Christ, or the Spirit of God. This voice or guidance system can be very subtle and quiet. This Spirit or consciousness communicates directly with our spirit. The challenge of course is that most of us are unaccustomed to listening to and recognizing the thoughts and impressions that come from God.  Here is my experience in how this works.

Spiritual communication often appears to us like a positive thought that just pops into our heads….BING! That is the Spirit of God communicating with us. The problem is, we usually take credit for these thoughts and as a result, we don't usually act on it. Let me give you an example: 
You're driving home from work or you are on the computer or you're watching TV, whatever it is, and all of a sudden you have a thought pop into your head (BING!!) to call so-and-so. Now, so-and-so is a friend of yours who you haven’t seen in five years, and you haven't even thought about in two years. But, all of the sudden, while you're doing this one thing (BING!), I need to call so-and-so. But you think it's your thought so, you say, “I will. I will when I am done doing this.” Then, when you're done, you have already forgotten about it and so, never call. And you don’t feel badly about it because you figure it was just your idea.
Does it make sense that, out of the blue, you would be thinking about this person that you haven’t thought about in years, while doing something completely unrelated? No, the Spirit of God knew that that person needed to hear from you right then. And that is why you had that thought. Understand that inspiration and guidance from God will always be about doing something good that will bless someone's life. It will not be self serving and will not cause harm to another.

But how can you tell the difference between the Spirit prompting you and when it's just your own thought? All I can say is be confident in the first insight or impression that suddenly pops into your mind. I have learned that when I begin making excuses or arguing and rationalizing in my mind why I can’t or shouldn’t follow the directive, then it is almost for sure that the prompting IS coming from God. When we begin to second-guess, even third-guess our feelings or impressions, we are dismissing the Spirit. We are questioning the divine counsel. First promptings should be considered pure inspiration from heaven. When they come to us, we need to recognize them for what they are and not let them slip past. As we follow this inspiration of reaching out to someone in need, the door to ongoing and increasing divine guidance will become more and more clear.
The truth is, when you get the thought, idea or prompting to do something good, it just doesn't matter if it is your own thought or from God, just do it. Just act on it. Now let's think about it for a second. If it really was your idea, (and it probably wasn't) - most often it will be God’s Spirit- and you do it, will God be mad? Of course not. However, if it was a prompting from God and you don't do it, you risk losing His confidence in you and the next time he may have to prompt someone else to accomplish the good or blessing in someone else's life. 

I challenge you to make this rule for yourself. “Any positive thought to say or do something is a prompting from God until proven otherwise. Just act on it!” Every time we act on a prompting, it's like we are tuning in to our Heavenly Radio. So, each time we act on it, it will be a little clearer and easier to understand. Through the weeks, months and years of acting on the “BING” of these thoughts, your communication and relationship with the Divine will crystallize and become undeniable. 
Understand that this path is not the easy one. You will be asked to do things and speak to people that will at times be uncomfortable and difficult. You may be called upon to confront others with things they may not want to hear. The work of God is not always graciously accepted. Inspiration can be subtle or grand.  

Just the other day I set out to purchase something, checked to make sure the business was open and while en route, I was prompted to give the business a call. I pulled over, looked up the number and called. It turned out that the business was out of stock of what I needed. I thanked God for saving me an hour and a half of driving and was able to redirect my morning. While this example is simple and somewhat insignificant, you can expect to also receive promptings that can be life changing. It will become easier to extend and stretch yourself out of your comfort zone with time and practice.
And so here’s the point. The pathway to real honest to goodness transformation, which aligns your heart, mind, body and soul, is to become so in tune with the thoughts and impressions you receive in your mind that your will and desires becomes God’s will and desire. With diet, this may mean that you will be prompted to begin to choose, more and more often, those foods which enliven and nourish your body (your body, bytheway, is literally, not figuratively, a temple or dwelling place for God). The prompting can be as simple as “you’re full - stop eating”.

As we enter this pathway of listening and obeying and doing good things, at some point you will realize that you are not the same person you used to be. Ezra Taft Benson put it very well when he said, “Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He can deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, and pour out peace.” You turn your life over to God as you listen and follow.

This is how transformation occurs. By listening and following impressions, you will begin to change. This is what Jesus taught about losing your life (focusing on blessing others) to find your life (transforming your life into one of peace and assurance with God). Transformation cannot and will not ever happen by focusing on yourself, your pain, your problems or the self-absorbed chaos so many of us are living in.
Every journey starts with the first step: beginning where you stand right now. Experiment on this concept of acting on the impressions that pop into your mind. Determine that when the first thought or idea pops into your head to do something (something good), that you will instantly act upon it. Of course, not every thought that comes into your mind is from God. The Adversary, or Satan, can also put a thought in your head, but it is rarely the first thought. It will also not be a thought that will help or bless someone's life.

I understand this is a hard doctrine and few are ready or willing to embrace it. But if you are truly searching for truth and desire to be an instrument in God's hands for doing good and blessing the lives of those He puts on your path or within your circle of influence, I challenge you to take this seriously, opening your heart and mind. Take the bold steps of listening and obeying. Of course, it’s difficult. But this is The Way.
Dr Kyle Christensen / May 2021

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