Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Insulin Resistance & Trapping Wild Pigs

 Insulin Resistance and Trapping Wild Pigs

Do you know how to catch wild pigs?


You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food.

When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. At first they are scared, but when they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.

They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with an open gate on the last side.

The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. And then one night, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.


So how does trapping wild pigs relate to your health and more specifically insulin resistance? Just as the pigs are lured for a tasty easy meal without having to work for it, we as a people are being lured by conspiring people who promote unhealthy highly processed foods (mostly loaded with sugar, fats, and chemicals) that rob us, literally poison us, slowly by degrees until we suffer from illness and disease that should and could have been avoided. The taste buds on the tongue designed to taste sweetness are wired directly to the pleasure centers in the brain. You put something sweet in your mouth and your brain says “mmmm yummy, I want more”. I get it, the taste of the junk many people eat can be euphoric. But there are consequences of every choice we make, for good or ill (literally).


This Story was shared to me by a friend. Years ago when her oldest child began school, she decided that she would get involved and began attending the school's PTA meetings. During one meeting, they were discussing an upcoming field day event and the subject of refreshments was discussed. It was stated that of course, they would have Coca Cola and Orange Crush to drink. Being the health conscious mother that she is, she suggested having bottled water, which would be a healthier and more hydrating choice, since they would be playing outside for hours.  She was openly laughed at and was told that the school was not going to purchase bottled water when they were provided soda pop for free by the companies. A lightbulb went on in her mind, as she realized these companies were grooming these vulnerable young children to become addicted consumers to these sugary caffeinated products. They have been incredibly successful.


The pancreas is responsible for taking the sugar you’ve eaten out of the blood and bringing it into the cells. Insulin is the hormone produced by your pancreas that escorts the blood glucose (sugar) into the cells of the body - the muscles, the brain, all of it.  If the body is habitually overwhelmed with the amount of sugar in the blood, at some point the cells in essence say “ENOUGH!”. The cells become resistant to the insulin’s attempt to deliver the sugar. As a result the cells in your body (muscles, brain and liver) don’t respond to insulin as they should. The excess blood sugar is converted to fat and is stored for later use. 

Insulin resistance is also known as impaired insulin sensitivity. This happens when cells in your muscles, brain and liver don't respond as they should to insulin. Insulin resistance can be temporary or chronic and is treatable, if you are willing to take the appropriate action. 

Signs and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

  • Belly Fat - either a soft jiggly belly or a distended belly that can be tight with fat underneath the stretched out abdominal muscles.

  • Not satisfied after eating - You’re full but want more or find yourself snacking again before you are really hungry.

  • Craving Carbs - pasta, potatoes (french fries), bread, cakes, cold cereal, sweets and treats are what you want.

  • Frequent Urination, especially at night

  • Frequent Hunger - you need to snack

  • Tired and wanting to Nap after eating - That afternoon after lunch can’t hardly keep your eyes open at your desk scenario.

  • Fatigue - Low Endurance - adrenal glands are worn out. You get a second wind in the evening and stay up too late. Very tired getting up in the morning. Sound Familiar?

  • High Triglycerides - Low HDL - total cholesterol is high - Check your most recent blood/lab test.

  • High Blood Pressure - even if you exercise and are otherwise taking care of yourself

  • Fatty Liver - ⅓ of the American population has Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

  • PCOS - PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome - why many women can’t get pregnant, can’t lose weight, have facial hair, and hormones that are whacked out. This is actually insulin resistance of the ovaries.

  • Cysts - baker’s cysts behind the knee, ganglion cysts in the wrist. They don’t just happen for no reason. 

  • Dark Folds - rough dark skin at the back of the neck and under the arms

  • Skin Tags - often around the neck but they can be anywhere on the body. You got skin tags - this is caused by sugar consumption and insulin resistance.

  • High Blood Glucose/ High Blood Insulin - fasting blood sugar is ideally 75-100 mg/dl

  • Inflammation - painful muscles and/or joint - often the pain shifts and migrates

  • Sleep Apnea - insulin resistance is almost always the cause. If you use a CPAP machine you are headed for more trouble than just your sleep and breathing issues at night. Treatments abound but the cause is rarely addressed.

  • Slow Metabolism - can’t lose weight. You diet, cut out soda and carbs and still can’t lose weight. You need to do something more to shock your body back onto a healthy track.

  • Memory Problems - Don’t go blaming this on getting older. In many medical circles Alzheimers or dementia is referred to as Type 3 Diabetes or insulin resistance in the brain. 

  • Moody - your emotions can be like a rollercoaster - up and down. 

  • Loss of Muscle Mass - muscles become flabby like under your arms (bat-wings)gynecomastia (man boobs)

  • Can’t absorb nutrients - leaky gut syndrome

  • Stress/ Anxiety - Increase Sympathetic Nervous System - Adrenal Fatigue 

  • Acne - you thought you were too old for teenage acne - it’s likely a fatty liver and insulin resistance. If you have acne beyond your teenage adolescent year, it is most likely related to sugar consumption and insulin resistance.

  • Low Testosterone - This was hardly ever an issue years ago, now it is so common. With Low T can also come a lack of drive and ambition for life.

  • Erectile Dysfunction - we are all sick of the commercials boasting of great new treatments, but no one ever mentions what causes it. Well, here it is Insulin Resistance. It’s what men are eating - sugar, soda pop, lots of carbs. 

  • PreDiabetes - you may start feeling off and on diabetic symptoms - numbness or tingling in the feet or hands, blurred vision, slow healing sores, weight gain. Fasting blood sugar is typically 100-125. Over 126 is suggestive of diabetes.

  • Fuzzy thinking/ Brain Fog  - not a sign of aging, but of a bloodstream overloaded with sugar and insulin. 

If you are experiencing more than a couple of these signs or symptoms, chances are you have or are flirting with insulin resistance.

So if you are at all serious about your health you may want to consider snapping yourself out of this downward spiral.

Subtle or gentle shifts and changes in the diet may not be enough to pull you out of your Insulin Resistance funk. What has worked fantastically for many is going on a “Healthy Keto” diet and intermittent fasting for a short time. This is a diet that is sharply restricted from refined carbs with an abundance of vegetables, fat and protein.

Explore the excellent YouTube videos of Dr Eric Berg. Search under Dr Berg and insulin resistance. Spend some time educating yourself.

So back to the pigs. Have we become so desensitized to what is going on that we accept what is being pushed upon us? Are there things that you regularly eat and drink that you know are not good for you, yet you continue to eat and drink? Have we been so seduced by the slick marketing and social trends, that we drink the caffeine-laced sugar and ultra-processed foods and believe that it is normal and acceptable for being healthy?  Do you somehow think you will be the exception and not suffer the consequences of the overconsumption of these highly processed unhealthy foods?

The wise little piggy when offered free delicious tasting food would have seen it for what it was - a trap! And rather than partaking of what is easy and tastes amazing, the wise pig would forage and eat what and how he was designed to eat.


So where are you? Are you enjoying the high life of refined foods, sugary sweets and drinks? Do you squeal with delight when presented with refined sweets and carbs? Do you struggle with any of the signs or symptoms described herein?

And more importantly, do you have the desire, will and determination to turn it around? Our children will beg and cry for sugary and processed foods (ever experienced a picky eater - what are they crying and begging for?). As parents, it is not solely our fault alone, but the evil and conspiring people, who because of greed, are willfully striving to trap and addict us and our children for THEIR financial gain. In my opinion, it is immoral, wrong and evil. And people, like myself,who try to awaken and bring some awareness and sense to the awful state of health we as a people are in are too frequently ridiculed and treated as an enemy and threat of the sugary euphoria people crave.

I believe, as a modern Western culture we have been lulled into a very dangerous state on so many levels. Threaten to take away someone's sweets and you are likely to be met with hostility or tears. The medical evidence is clear and growing. We are losing the war to preserve our health. We knowingly give away our money and our health and that of our children to satisfy our addiction to the sweets and treats we love.  While it may not be 100% your fault that you got tricked into this position, it is 100% your responsibility to get yourself and your family out of it now that you are aware of the problem, and to do it before the gate shuts closed around you and your herd.  

Are you ready or willing to “awaken to a sense of your awful situation?”

Bytheway, what are you feeding your little piggies at home?

Post Script: So honestly, what’s your reaction to this message? Does it bring about feelings of frustration - someone telling you the sweets and treats you love may be the underlying cause of many of your symptoms?  Is this message something you want to discard and cast aside because “you’re not ready” to buckle down and take significant steps to restore your body to health?  Or has this brought to you some answers and perhaps some hope that you can actually turn things around - resolve chronic pain, stabilize your digestive issues, think clearer, lose weight, improve your memory, etc?  What is your spirit and your heart telling you? If you are not ready yet, that’s okay. But hold this in your heart. Pray for hope, guidance and strength to cast off the shackles of increasingly poor health. Take courage. You can escape from the trap that we have all been surrounded by on all sides.

Blessings, Dr Christensen

Thursday, March 10, 2022

3 Methods for Emotional Release

 The Following are three methods you can use to confront and tackle emotional issues in your past and present.


(as taught by Allie Duzzett)

The easiest, fastest way to see instant emotional shifts

The "scribbling technique" is one I recommend often to my clients and students. This is a page that will teach you how to do it. Please read the entire thing before trying your first healing scribble!

How Scribbling Works

All emotions are chemical, and they need to be metabolized, or broken down, to be removed from the body. All emotions are also energetic. Scribbling takes the energy of emotions (and even things like pain and structural imbalances in the body) and transmutes them into physical motion. On a body level, we are burning the chemicals of our emotions just like our bodies burn fat. This is called a kinesthetic transmutation of energy. We're taking energy and "burning it" through motion with our physical bodies

What You Need To Get Started

Scribbling is easy! You can get started with paper and any writing utensil: crayons, pencil, pen, marker, chalk. Technically, you don't even need paper at all--some people scribble on drawing apps on their phones. I prefer to scribble with crayons on paper. 

Choosing Your Scribbling Topic

The first thing you do when you scribble is write the topic on the top of the paper. This clarifies to the conscious and subconscious minds what you are working on. 

When you pick a topic, I recommend scribbling on small pieces of your topic, not the whole thing at once.. If you start scribbling on "childhood abuse," you will fill up 35 pages of scribbles and get nowhere--and possibly just stir things up, because that is so big there's no way you're going to clear it all at once in a 20-minute scribbling session. 

Before you start scribbling on something big, I recommend imagining the energy of it gathering into a ball, and then smashing the ball with a hammer into smaller pieces. Then scribble out the smaller pieces in small increments (say, 5-10 minutes of scribbling at a time). This can take several days to work through various issues, but it WILL work and this is much better than trying to do something big all at once. Scribbling through 10 or 15 pieces one at a time will be more effective.

You can also just choose to start scribbling on the smaller things from the get-go. For example, instead of scribbling on "childhood abuse," you might scribble on, "The anger I felt when I was made to do X and I didn't want to." Even THAT might be too big, but at least it's smaller than general "childhood abuse." The "size" of different topics will really vary person to person. Scribbling on "resistance to getting married" might take 2 minutes for someone pretty open to marriage, and days and days for someone who was abused in a previous marriage, for example. 

Set a scribbling time limit for your session. Set a timer. Then be done. If you need to resume the session later you can do that. Five to twenty minutes is usually best. 

Another mental visualization is to imagine that the trapped emotion contains so much ink or crayon or pencil lead that needs to get out. Each line, curve or scribble on the paper is getting it out of you the past trauma, event or emotion to the paper. It really doesn’t matter if you have flowing lines, sharp streaks or jabs. The point is that you are getting it out of your system. The scribbled page 

One way to get a sense of when you’re done is that your scribble pattern may follow a particular pattern such as horizontal figure eights. You may also get a sense that you’re done.  When you are finished you may simply crumble up the paper and throw it away or burn it. For heaven's sake, don’t keep it. You're done and letting it go.

Movement Therapy or Kinesthetic Release

Any physical movement can be used to release and resolve emotional trauma, if harnessed for that purpose with intent. What this means is that if you have a trauma you're working on clearing, you can decide in your mind that your workout today is going to help release or metabolize that trauma. 

You will need to begin by identifying the issue you want to work on - just write it down or identify it in your mind. If it’s a larger or more significant issue in your life you may need to break it down into smaller chunks like described in the scribbling exercise.As you move through your workout - a brisk walk, high-energy dance, etc. imagine that you are kicking out, stomping down or punching out and releasing the negative effects of the emotions or experience. Remember, our experiences are for our learning and growth, so the objective is not to forget but to reframe what we have gone through.  

After your designated time is up, check in emotionally and ask did I release what I needed. If you get the sense of not quite, soldier on for a few more minutes.  Your intent is more important than the exact time. You may begin with the intent of “I’m going to release this anger in 10 minutes”. Consider using activities of daily living as part of releasing past emotional trauma. Mopping or sweeping the floor. Kneading bread or folding laundry can be done with healing intention. 

Self-Hypnosis Emotional Release

(Gestalt Emotional Release) 

This is the most direct method and works by confronting the emotions or situation directly.  Understand that all hopeless situations are consequences of previous unhealed experiences and trapped emotions. This method can combat despair, depression, frustration, anger, upset, confusion and anxiety.  

Step One: Identify the issue that’s bothering you. It can range from emotional to physical to psychological. Back pain or skin issues that won’t go away, unexplained rage or depression, fears or phobias, interactions with selfish people or your job or career not going anywhere. Our goal is to clearly define the problem. 

Step Two: Find a quiet place, get comfortable, and get ready to FEEL! The goal is to really connect with yourself and allow deeply buried feelings to come out in a safe and controlled way. So spend a few moments preparing. You want quiet and without distractions.

Step Three:  Tell God your intent and purpose is to release trapped or buried emotions and to understand the root of the issue. Try to explain the problem you're experiencing in words either in your mind or out loud. “I’m willing now to feel the things I haven’t been able to feel. Please bring as many of them as I can feel and process in an hour. When the time is up, I set the intention that I will be done.”

Step Four: Allow yourself to feel the emotions one at a time as they surface and pick the one that stands out the most as the one that needs to be taken care of today.  As each emotion surfaces, imagine that someone is at the control center of your spiritual mind, turning the knob on that emotion to the maximum level.  Once the emotion is to a near unbearable level, search in your mind for the first time that you experienced that emotion.  This could be as far back as early childhood.  

Step Five: Once this memory is discovered.  Explore it.  Where were you?  How old were you?  Who else is there?  What is going on?  Allow yourself to confront the situation as your older and wiser self.  If you become scared, triggered, or feel like feelings of trauma are surfacing, remind yourself that you are in a safe place now.  You are not in the past situation now.  These are just memories now.  In your mind, speak to those involved in the memory, including your younger self.  Seek understanding if possible.  If not, give the situation and everyone involved over to God for judgment, all blessings and punishments that God gives to those involved are just.  Remember, holding on to the pain of the past only causes problems in the future.  

Step Six: Once closure is reached, incorporate your younger self into yourself with a hug or embrace.  Recognize that if your younger self was in the wrong in the memory, you are still worthy of love, and your younger self  will eventually learn better (after all, he/she will become who you are now.)  Let them know that you will help them learn and get better.  Give yourself some positive affirmations. Tell yourself that you are loved, you are strong, you are whole, etc.  Be sure to include things specific to your experience.  When you feel that the emotion in question is gone, go ahead and bring yourself back to full consciousness.  

Step Seven: Recover. It often takes a full day. Drink lots of water, rest, go for a walk. Notice how you feel different.

If you are having trouble doing this on your own.  A qualified hypnotherapist may be able to help you through the process.

Dr Kyle Christensen, March 2022

Friday, November 12, 2021

HerbalMectin & Restoration Formula Recipes

HerbalMectin Formula

This sweet combination of herbs is to support normal flushing of natural toxins from the body and encourage healthy function of organs of elimination. This formula is designed to cleanse the blood and encourage healthy bowel function and to help establish a healthy intestinal environment. The primary herb, Sweet Annie aka Sweet Wormwood is both antiviral and antiparasitic. In 2015, the scientist (Dr. Tu Youyou) studying Artemisia annua (sweet annie) was awarded the Nobel Prize by demonstrating the effectiveness of this herb in fighting malaria and other diseases spread by parasites.  Simultaneously, the chemical Avermectin was isolated from soil by Drs. William Campbell and Satoshi Omura which demonstrated these same healing properties and shared this Nobel Prize.  Chemically, Avermectin and Artemisinin are parallel and similar, although their methods of extraction differ.  Both can be used interchangeably.  This safe, fast and effective method has saved millions of lives. This unique combination can dismantle the defenses of tricky stealth pathogens and eliminate them from the bodies of those suffering from chronic infections.

1-1/3 cups Sweet Annie – Artemisia annua
1/3 cup Myrrh gum – Commiphora molmol
1/3 cup Sarsaparilla – Hemidesmus indicus

1.75 liters Vodka (80 proof)
2 quart jar
Paint Strainer

Yield: approx. 48-54 oz

  1. Measure your herbs into a 2 quart jar. Measurements are either dry volume measurements or weight on a scale measurement. Put your herbs into the blender. We like using BlendTec or VitaMix blenders.
  2. Add Vodka so that it is at least a couple inches over the herb. Now understand that vodka/alcohol is a tool. If you remember back to your 8th grade chemistry (of course, you don’t), you will recall that because of the O-H (that’s oxygen-hydrogen group) that defines an alcohol – it is hungry and looking to grab onto something making it more stable. The chemical formula for water is HO or H-O-H – which is very stable. The alcohol is necessary to pull the phytochemicals (that’s the medicinal properties from the herb) out of the herb and into the solution. I’m sorry, but you have to use alcohol. If you are not willing to purchase or use alcohol, you will end up with a pitifully weak product that is one step above useless.
  3. Blend the herb and the vodka.
  4. Pour mixture into a 2 quart jar. Rinse out the remaining herb from the blender with the alcohol. Fill your jar until about an inch from the top. You may have a little alcohol left.
  5. Set your jar on the kitchen counter and shake at least a couple times daily. This assists in extracting the herbal goodness into the liquid.
  6. After at least 2 week, you can strain your tincture. Too soon and you will be missing out and losing strength. There is no problem of keeping it preserved indefinitely in the alcohol.
  7. Strain your tincture using your nylon paint strainer. Seriously, these are great! You will strain out 5 to 6 cups. Squeeze really hard. Or better yet use a hydraulic herb press and get an additional 5-6 ounces.
  8. Optional: Add 4 cups of Vegetable Glycerine or Honey– this further helps to preserve as well as sweeten this very bitter formula.
  9. Bottle your HerbalMectin
  10. Label and date each bottle of finished product.

Recommendations for use. Take ½ teaspoon 3 to 4 times daily or as a preventative ½ teaspoon each week.

This formula can be made into a syrup by adding 32oz of pure maple syrup or vegetable glycerine to the finished product. No need to reduce the alcohol. If doubling the volume by adding maple syrup – dosage amounts will also be doubled.

Description of Herbs

Artemisia annua (Sweet Annie herb, Sweet Wormwood) is a potent anti-parasitic, also anti-protozoal, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic. The study of this herb was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for it’s remarkable benefits in the treatment of malaria. This herb is said to have the ability to break down the defensive barriers of stealth pathogens.

Myrrh appears to be active against parasites that infest deeper into the body than the gut, such as the liver and bladder, helping the body to overcome stealth pathogens. Pulsed doses of this herbal formula according to trials appear to be the most effective. (Take for 4 days with a 10 day break)

Sarsaparilla – this tasty herb is classically used in the natural treatment of liver damage and cancer, but Sarsaparilla is used in herbal mixes to act as a “synergist.” In other words, it’s thought that the saponins found in sarsaparilla increase the bioavailability and absorption of other herbs.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Volume 274, 28 June 2021, 114016

Artemisia annua L. extracts inhibit the in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2 and two of its variants

Artemisia annua extracts inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the active component(s) in the extracts is likely something besides artemisinin or a combination of components that block virus infection at a step downstream of virus entry. Further studies will determine in vivo efficacy to assess whether A. annua might provide a cost-effective therapeutic to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Journal: New Microbes and New Infections
Volume 43, September 2021, 100924

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honored distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19

Conclusion from study
We believe that the evidence to date supports the worldwide extension of IVM treatments for COVID-19, complementary to immunizations. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, as reviewed [8], possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains. IVM has been safely used in 3.7 billion doses since 1987, well tolerated even at much greater than standard doses [34,35] and used without serious AEs in the three high-dose COVID-19 treatment studies noted above [34,36,37].


The result of the present study demonstrates that clinical improvement is observed in high percentage of patients with Persistent or Post-Acute Symptoms of COVID-19 who are treated with Ivermectin. Given the high number of patients with Persistent Symptoms and a favorable clinical response seen after receiving this specific treatment, we recommend that additional clinical studies be carried out on the use of Ivermectin and other drugs to reduce and eliminate the viral load in these cases.

Restoration Formula Recipe

This formula was designed for the treatment of exposure to toxins, poisons and radiation exposure. This will not prevent radiation, toxins or poisons from entering your body, but may assist in the elimination of toxins or the harmful effects of a variety of undesirable exposures. Suggested us is also for detoxing from the effects of vaccination reactions.


3/4 cup - Eleuthero root- cut
1/8 cup– Ginger root – cut
1/8 cup– Dandelion root – cut
1/8 cup Maitake mushroom - powder
¼ cup– Reishi mushroom - powder
1/8 cup– Cordyceps mushroom – powder
1/8 cup– Ginkgo biloba leaf – cut
1/8 cup - Turmeric powder
1 Tbsp Fenugreek whole or powdered

1.75 liters Vodka (80 proof)
2 quart jar
Paint Strainer

Yield: approx. 48-54oz

  1. Measure your herbs – Put your herbs into the blender. We like using BlendTec or VitaMix blenders.
  2. Add Vodka so that it is at least a couple inches over the herb. Now understand that the vodka/alcohol is a tool. If you remember back to your 8th grade chemistry (of course, you don’t), you will recall that because of the O-H (that’s oxygen-hydrogen group) that defines an alcohol – it is hungry and looking to grab on to something making it more stable. The chemical formula for water is H2O or H-O-H – which is very stable. The alcohol is necessary to pull the phytochemicals (that’s the medicinal properties from the herb) out of the herb and into the solution. I’m sorry, but you have to use alcohol. If you are not willing to purchase or use alcohol, you will end up with a pitifully weak product that is one step above useless.
  3. Blend the herb and the vodka.
  4. Pour mixture into a 2 quart jar. Rinse out the remaining herb from the blender with the alcohol. Fill your jar until about an inch from the top. You may have a little alcohol left. 
  5. Set your jar on the kitchen counter and shake at least a couple times daily. This assists in extracting the herbal goodness into the liquid.
  6. After at least 2 week, you can strain your tincture. Too soon and you will be missing out and losing strength. There is no problem of keeping it preserved indefinitely in the alcohol. Last year I finally strained a tincture that had been sitting in storage since 1997 (made 15 years ago).
  7. Strain your tincture using your nylon paint strainer. Seriously, these are great! You will strain out 5 to 6 cups. Squeeze really hard.
  8. Bottle and label your tincture

Recommendations for use. Take ½ teaspoon 2 to 3 times daily. If sick or radiation exposed, take two dropperfuls every waking hour. This is a great liver cleansing and detoxification formula.

Description of Herbs

Eleuthero root – highly beneficial for supporting the adrenal system and increasing overall energy production in the body. Eleuthro also assists with cardiac function, helps with fatigue, nerve pain, blood sugar balance and respiratory conditions such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Truly a remarkable herb!

Ginger root – Ginger may be used as a stimulant of the peripheral circulation in cases of bad circulation, chilblains and cramps. In feverish conditions, Ginger acts as a useful diaphoretic, promoting perspiration. As a gargle it may be effective in the relief of sore throats. Externally it is the base of many fibrositis and muscle sprain treatments. Ginger has been used world-wide as an aromatic carminative and pungent appetite stimulant. In India, and in other countries with hot and humid climates, ginger is eaten daily and is a well-known remedy for digestion problems. Its wide-spread use is not only be due to flavor, but to the anti-oxidant and anti-microbial effects, necessary for preservation of food, essential in such climates.

Dandelion root – was most commonly used historically to treat liver diseases, kidney diseases, and spleen problems. Dandelion root may be used in inflammation and congestion of liver and gall-bladder. It is specific in cases of congestive jaundice. As part of a wider treatment for muscular rheumatism it can be most effective. This herb is a most valuable general tonic and perhaps the best widely applicable diuretic and liver tonic.

Maitake mushroom – Maitake means "dancing mushroom'' in Japanese; in ancient times, people who found the mushroom were said to dance with joy because it could be exchanged for its weight in silver. Alternatively, the name may derive from the way in which the small, fan-shaped fruiting bodies overlap like butterflies in a wild dance. In the United States, they also are known as hen-of-the-woods because the mass of mushrooms looks like fluffed-up feathers. The stalks are often fused, massed at the base of stumps and on roots. They are common in eastern North America, Europe, and Asia. Maitake collectors always forage alone and never divulge the location of their treasure, even to their own families. In Japan, they traditionally mark their hunting grounds with hatch marks on trees bordering the trove and keep others out of their hunting areas.

Reishi mushroom – For 4,000 years, the Chinese and Japanese have called upon reishi to treat liver disorders, hypertension, arthritis, and other ailments.

Cordyceps mushroom – This fungus has been reported to have anti-tumor activity and strong immune properties. Cordyceps seem to be a lung and kidney tonic. They help relax smooth muscles, making them the nutrient of choice for people with asthma and respiratory problems. Like the other medicinal mushrooms, Cordyceps has been used as an anti-cancer agent. In the Orient, one study showed that they strengthened legs in frail older people and reduced their dizziness. For people with a history of coughs accompanying chest colds, Cordyceps are ideal. They have the added ability to help recover more quickly from strenuous exercise, and are an excellent supplement for all athletes, including people who only work out on weekends.

Ginkgo biloba leaf – has been used to treat asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, and tinnitus.

Turmeric powder – a spice that lends its distinctive yellow color to Indian curries, has long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to aid digestion and liver function, relieve arthritis pain, and regulate menstruation.

Dr. Kyle Christensen 2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Slow COVID Recovery?


Slow COVID Recovery?
Have you ever, in your life, met anyone who has never had a Cold? Anyone who has never had the flu? That is because everyone will get these common ailments. And they will recover unless, of course, their immune system is severely compromised due to previous existing problems. The same is true for COVID. The reality is EVERYONE will get it. This is why it is important to prepare your body and immune system to withstand this illness which can easily be defended against IF you take the proper measures and steps that are being set forth by honest medical experts and researchers rather than adhering the governmental agencies and advisors who seem to be actively disregarding sound data and peer reviewed published research.
The good news is that once you’ve gotten and recovered from this illness, you’ve got what is called Natural Immunity. Anyone and everyone who has recovered has what is described by medical experts as robust and durable antibodies and immunity against future infection. In fact, a recent study from Israel examining over 700,000 people who have recovered from covid have shown them to be up to 13 times less likely to get the delta variant than those who are fully vaccinated. 
Of course, we should follow steps to protect ourselves and others from infection, but it is equally important to prepare ourselves in the event of exposure and illness. As more and more people have gotten covid, many are experiencing lingering symptoms and problems as a result of their illness. As follows are some recommendations that may be helpful. Additionally some important things to consider if you or a loved one become ill.
Post COVID Care
The degree or the intensity of your bout with COVID will determine the lingering symptoms you may experience after your recovery from this illness. The intensity of the infection, pre-existing conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, pre-existing respiratory problems such as smoking or pneumonia, your age, the amount of stress (situation and people) in your life at the time. Also how deep did the infection go into your lungs. Was there any scarring? The integrity of your immune system as a result of other diseases such as cancer, or other chronic conditions can also determine if you have lingering issues.
Understand that the amount of stress in your life is an important factor. The less stress, the faster the recovery. All covid symptoms are caused by the person's own immune system trying to overcome the effects of the illness while you are sick. The residual symptoms are also coming from the person's own immune system. Many of these symptoms are a result of cytokines (an immune response) so the focus must be on building and strengthening the immune system.
Symptoms after recovery from your initial illness
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Joint Pain
  • Chest Pain
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Loss of taste and/or smell
  • Heart pounding or palpitations (aFib)
Here are some specific recommendations
Fatigue: Ashwagandha - helps to strengthen the adrenals - weakened adrenal glands are part of what causes a slow recovery. Also get on Drenamin (3 tablets thrice day) from Standard Process
Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath & Cough: Pneumotrophin PMG from Standard Process (3 tablets twice daily), also consider Garlic Forte (1 twice daily).
Joint Pain: Turmeric combined with fenugreek - our 3 Kings Formula (3 capsules twice daily) or Turmeric Forte (1 tablet twice daily) from Standard Process.
Depression: take Vitamin D3 (10,000 IU/day) or Standard Process Cataplex D (3 tablets thrice daily) & Cataplex F (2/day). Vitamin D will drop inflammation so you will instantly feel better.
Headache: increase sodium - use sea salt (himalayan is best) 
Try this Mineral Replacement Drink (1/2 tsp sea salt, 3 Tbsp honey to 1 quart water – you may also add lemon or orange juice for flavor).
Fever (that comes and goes): - Calcium Lactate (Standard Process) especially if someone is younger (10 tablets per day)
Loss of Taste/Smell: Zinc (100-200mg/day), or Zinc Chelate (4 per day) from Standard Process and Cataplex B12 (3/day).
Heart Pounding or palpitations: Cataplex B Core (3-4/day) from Standard Process, and Potassium found in Avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas
Blood Clots: Cyruta plus (6-9 per day) from Standard Process, 3 Kings (6-9/day) or Turmeric Forte (2/day)
You need to sweat more (hot shower, hot bath, sauna) this will speed up the recovery time. But remember to keep very well hydrated.
Getting rid of the symptoms of a fever too quickly can prolong the infection. The more medications you take during the infection may actually slow your recovery. For example, tylenol will reduce the fever, but prolong the illness. Taking Calcium Lactate instead to strengthen the immune system will naturally reduce the fever and quicken the recovery. 
Residual ongoing symptoms - can last months, so it is important to understand that you need to rebuild your immune system and be patient and keep taking the supplements until you are healthy, strong and back to better than normal.
Open your windows - You need fresh air. Get some direct sunshine for the natural Vitamin D.

Take frequent naps - try to get as much sleep as possible; your body heals while you are sleeping.

Alcohol and Sugar will set you back if consumed while you are trying to recover. Avoid both.  
Intermittent fasting can help - skip breakfast and no snacks - follow LAW Diet by focusing on whole natural foods
ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar): 1 Tbsp in water 2x/day - it will help clean up the damaged tissues and cells

Cordyceps (a fungus) will help you pull out of many of these symptoms.
Hospital Care
If you are sick enough to go to the hospital emergency room with COVID - 
Call ahead and let them know you are coming - Request or have your doctor request that you want Monoclonal Antibody treatment known as REGENERON. This has proven to be highly effective. All hospitals have it but you need to request it. This is given slowly with a one hour IV. Taken too fast can overwhelm the immune response. 

If admitted to the hospital it is very important to demand full dose anticoagulation medication while in the hospital. Long term problems are a result of blood clots so it makes sense to use anticoagulants - but you may need to insist on it.

For the Delta Variant of COVID, studies are showing that Hydroxychloroquine is proving to be more effective than Ivermectin. If your primary doctor will not work with COVID patients, you can schedule with a medical doctor through https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/

These doctors are willing to get patients medicines that work and do not follow the dictates of governmental representatives.
General Infection Prevention 
Listerine mouthwash: (use the Original yellow colored liquid) - swish and spit daily for oral hygiene (don’t swallow the stuff)

Nasal Lavage: (neti pot rinsing) can also be done daily

Vitamin C: 3000mg ascorbic acid (not recommended for long term) or 500mg/day whole food vitamin C or Standard Process Cataplex C (9/day)

Vitamin D3: (3-5000IU/day) or Standard Process Cataplex D (9/day) and Cataplex F (2/day).

Zinc: 50 mg/day
Please understand that issue may not be if you get COVID but when. Prepare your immune system by taking care of your health. And actively take the nutrients and supplements that will allow your body to appropriately fight to get and stay healthy.

Kyle D Christensen,DC
August 2021