Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mind Body Connection - TMS

The Mind-Body Connection
Dr Kyle Christensen, 2019
Many are aware and in agreement that emotional stress and tension can literally make you sick. A tension headache or tight muscles across the shoulders are commonly considered the result of stress in our lives. We learn from scripture that God creates everything spiritual first before things are manifest physically. "And God said .... , then there was....". This pattern is also true in our lives. Things are created mentally, emotionally and spiritually before they are manifest physically. So much emphasis is placed on the correct diagnosis, yet the reality of the mind-body connection is seldom considered. I have found in my practice, particularly with many of the chronic conditions that there is almost always a degree of emotional stress intertwined with what is going on.
Tension Myositis Syndrome
Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), also known as Tension Myoneural Syndrome or Mind-Body Syndrome is a name given by Dr John E. Sarno (former head of Rehabilitation at New York University). TMS is the result of stress in your life that results in pain (muscle, nerve and tendon) that can be anywhere in the body. TMS can also cause dysfunction in the immune and hormonal systems leading to autoimmune disease. While TMS is considered psychologic in its origins, the pain and physical symptoms are very real and do have a physiologic basis.   
The mechanism of TMS is as follows:
Stress, anxiety or tension caused by emotional distress causes the muscles to tighten or tense up. This tension in the muscles squeezes off the blood supply to the muscle itself but also to the nerves, tendons and ligaments in specific areas of the body. These areas are often sites of previous compromise, injury or areas that may correspond to specific emotions. The decrease blood flow results in a diminished amount of oxygen to these tissues. Often only 4-5% decrease of oxygen. The result is pain. Think in terms of a muscle cramp. The pain associated with a muscle cramp is the muscle literally screaming for oxygen. The pain associated with TMS does not cause permanent or physical damage, although the pain is very real and can be debilitating. However, prolonged tension and muscle tightness can result in adhesion or scar tissue formation within the muscles that may need to be resolved.
Symptoms associated with TMS
TMS symptoms include pain, stiffness, weakness, tingling, numbness, muscle contractures, cramps and other negative sensations. Often these symptoms will come and go or move around for no apparent reason. You will have good days and bad days. Often the pain is worse at night.
TMS symptoms can occur in the back, neck, knee, arms, wrists, shoulders, and other parts of the body. The symptoms have a tendency to move to other parts of the body. The fact that symptoms often move or switch to other parts of the body is an important indicator that the pain is from TMS. This is frequently described with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.
Proper Diagnosis is the Key - How do you know if you have TMS
Lack of known physical cause:  A physical examination, blood tests and imaging studies may be needed to rule out a more serious conditions, such as tumors, fractures or infections. Surprisingly, MRI's or x-rays which show spinal disc herniations or bulges and stenosis are generally found to be harmless and not the direct cause of the pain. Often the symptom location does not even correlate to the herniation location. If your condition seemed to have begun without an event that you can put your finger on - for example, "I just woke up with this" "I think I must have slept wrong", then TMS should be high on the suspicion list.

You may have Tender points or Trigger Points: 99% of those with TMS have tender points in the muscles. While the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia uses 18 points to confirm the diagnosis (at least 11 are tender for this diagnosis), 6 specific points are used to determine the diagnosis of TMS. The six main tender points to diagnose TMS are two tender points in the upper trapezius muscles (across the shoulders), two in the lower back muscles (just to the side of the spine) and two in the lateral upper buttocks.  Often people will say regarding these tender points: "That's where I hold my stress".

You may have or had other psychosomatic disorders:  A prior history of other psychosomatic disorders is an indication that the patient may have TMS. These may include: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Tension Headaches, Panic and Anxiety Disorders, Gastric Ulcers, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Crohn's Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's disease) and the list goes on and on.

Remember: Serious disorders, such as fractures, tumors and infections should be checked for and ruled out.
Treatment protocol
The treatment protocol for TMS includes education, writing about emotional issues and resumption of a normal lifestyle. For patients who do not recover quickly, the protocol may also includes support groups and/or psychotherapy. Many experience relief from their pain within days or a couple of weeks. Some take 6 months or so for complete or near complete resolution of their pain.
1 - Education
I have long found in my practice that the better the patient understands what is going on, the more sure the recovery. It is vital that you understand thoroughly that while your pain has mental and emotional origins, the pain (due to lack of oxygen to the tissue) is very real and has been scientifically observed and documented. I strongly recommend reading one of Dr Sarno's books. All of which describe the Mind Body Connection and the painful condition of TMS. Each of us must thoroughly understand the psychological and physiological aspects of TMS. As you grasp these concepts you will learn that your physical condition is not permanent and that any disability you have is a function of pain-related fear and repressed emotions. 

Understand, we are not attempting to marginalize your pain and brush you off saying it is all in your head. What we are saying is that, like the rest of us, past emotionally traumatic experiences where you did not have the support, experience, or ability to deal with at the time are stuffed down into the subconscious as a self protective and survival measurement. Feelings buried or repressed don't go away but can fester and build. In an effort to keep these emotions away from bubbling up into the conscious memory, the subconscious can create a diversion or distraction to draw your attention away from dealing with painful and uncomfortable memories and emotions. That diversion can be muscle or nerve pain, digestion issues, autoimmune problems, etc. 

And the honest truth is that we all are so damaged. It is not just soldiers or the victims of abuse suffering from PTSD.  It is each and every one of us to some degree. And so what if you actually do have a significant injury - meaning you know when, where and how you got hurt. It is quite probable and even very likely that you can have a physical injury that is accompanied with the psychological overlays of TMS. Just because you have a real injury does not mean that you are immune to the stress, tension and consequences that may have caused or is associated with your problem. If your injury doesn't heal right up in a very timely manner, then TMS can come into play. At any rate, dealing with underlying emotions can be extremely helpful in resolving much of the pain you are experiencing.
I recommend that each day you read in one of Dr Sarno's books the chapter on The Psychology of TMS or the Physiology of TMS. Highlight the important concepts in these chapters and become VERY familiar with them. Study and understand TMS - really know it inside and out. When the knowledge is anchored in your heart and soul, the changes (no more pain) that you desire will begin to unfold - often within two weeks. Daily repetition of the psychological process over time defeats the repression through conscious awareness.
2 - Writing about emotional issues
Understand, our objective is not to simply make the pain go away, but to heal your life - Body, Mind and Spirit. Writing and journaling can be transformative in achieving this healing. Each person should set aside time daily to think and write about issues that could have led to the repressed emotions. Many will purchase an inexpensive notebook - you don't need anything fancy.
We recommend the following four writing tasks to consider:  
1) Writing a list of issues.  Each of us should try to list out all issues that might contribute to the repressed emotions. Look to the following areas:
(a) Childhood experiences, such as abuse or lack of love
(b) Personality traits such as perfectionism, conscientiousness and a strong need to be liked, approved or validated by everyone - The need to be seen by others as good (not a sinner - or at least look how good or righteous I am now) is a big one among the church goers.
(c) Current life stresses and pressures - marriage, children, job, whatever is going on in your life
(d) Aging and mortality - your health, weight, physical appearance, genetic issues, etc.
(e) Situations in which the person experiences conscious but unexpressed anger
2) Writing essays.  Write an essay for each item on the above list. The longer the essays the more you will be forced to examine the emotional issues in depth. An important purpose of writing an essay is that you will be able to discover or have revealed to you the meaning behind the suffering. Suffering shapes and forms who we are. For example: The one who is abused often becomes more compassionate and empathetic towards others. By writing you can more effectively get it all out. We recommend writing longhand rather than typing on the computer. There is something deeply more therapeutic writing by hand.
3) Morning Pages - as taught by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way
Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, ideally done first thing in the morning. There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages - it is not beautifully constructed prose or poetry. These pages aren't even "writing." They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind- and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page...and then do three more pages tomorrow.
4) Cast your Burdens to the Lord - Read and follow the instructions in Dr Christensen's handout Casting Your Burdens to the Lord. You must follow the instructions in the exercise closely. You've got to physically write down all the issues, people and problems in your life that you are stressed, fearful or anxious about. You've got to say the prayer outlined in the handout - either out loud or whispered. AND you've got to destroy the paper - burn it, blend it up, whatever feels right. The physicality of this exercise is important!
The ancient philosopher Socrates stated: "The Unexamined Life is not worth living" - now this may seem harsh, but the truth is that we need to look at our lives. Deep introspection and self discovery is important. Past traumas can reveal that it really is not your fault. The adversity we experience will ultimately shape you into the person God wants you to become. Wounded hearts can be healed. Past experiences no matter the depth of difficulty can sanctify and purify your soul. Emotional burdens and baggage that are the cause of pain can be lifted. We are all injured, wounded and burdened. Begin where you are. Do the work. Gain the understanding.

3 - Resumption of a normal lifestyle
It is important that you return to a normal lifestyle. The underlying cause of TMS is psychological, not physical. This means that you are not going to hurt yourself further by living your life in a normal fashion. This will be a tremendous leap of faith for many, however, it is important to gradually resume normal activities. As you begin to feel better you can take courage and hope and become more and more physically active. Gradually be more active, until you are back to a normal life. In addition, we encourage you "to discontinue the safety behaviours aimed at protecting their 'damaged' backs."
If you are engaged in ongoing treatments for your pain, consider discontinuing them, especially if you are not experiencing steady progress and improvement. Ongoing treatments can reinforce the idea that your pain and problem is structural. Emphasis of treatments should be to let go of repressed emotions and traumatic difficulties.
Daily Reminders - An Overview

  • The pain is due to Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), not to a structural abnormality
  • The direct reason for the pain is mild oxygen deprivation
  • TMS is a harmless condition, caused by repressed emotions, the principle emotion is usually anger or rage
  • TMS exists only to distract my attention from the emotions
  • Since my back, neck, shoulder, etc. are basically normal, there is nothing to fear further injury
  • Therefore, physical activity is not dangerous and I can resume normal physical activities
  • I will not be concerned or intimidated by the pain
  • I will shift my attention from the pain to emotional issues. Experiencing the pain will be my reminder to focus on the emotions. This can be as easy as acknowledging the pain as a cover up to the emotions. Talk to the pain - "I know you! You're just trying to cover up my emotions.
  • I intend to be in control - not my subconscious mind. Repetitive acknowledgement of the emotional roots causing the pain will slowly bring the emotions to the conscious mind so that the cover up of pain will no longer be necessary.
  • I must think psychological at all times, not physical

Support meetings may be important for those who do not make a prompt recovery. Occasionally, one-on-one counselling may be necessary
Our goal is not simply the resolution of our pain, but to be healed body, mind and spirit. This article is an introduction into the mental, emotional and physical aspects of pain syndromes. We will discuss later the spiritual implications in pain syndromes. Complete healing cannot be achieved with the cleansing and renewal of the spirit. Ferreting out the darkness and opening to the light. The Gospel of Christ invites us not to simply be better people, but to be transformed - to become new creatures. We need our souls and lives ignited. For those with the courage and determination to uncover painful emotional and spiritual stones and stare them in the eye - this conscious effort will be healing and transformative. The best, strongest and most capable of us suffer as well as the broken down weakened and abused. As you put these practices into play, you can heal. You can forgive (let go) and change. Of course, it isn't easy. Of course, you will need support. But you can do it.
God bless us all in our efforts to heal and to come more fully unto Him.
Dr Kyle Christensen 2019

Lies & Deceptions

Lies & Deceptions
Kyle D. Christensen, DC October 2019
We see it in politics, medicine, science, dieting, marketing, advertising, and even in religion, to the point now that it is difficult to believe anything anyone says.
Often when the truth comes out, those who are perpetuating the misdeeds vehemently deny it or attempt to cover it up. We saw this with the tobacco industry. We are currently seeing it with Monsanto with the current chemical and GMO allegations and we see it in the political arena ad nauseam. Are we no longer able to sit down and have a rational respectful discussion without one or both parties having a hissy fit and start name calling or chanting some manufactured slogan. (which is by the way, akin to the childish act of putting your fingers in your ears and crying out nah, nah, nah, nah - I'm not listening.)
It seems that the most complicit villain in all of this is the media. Honest journalism is a rare commodity that is usually shouted down and stereotyped as racist, intolerant or bigoted without even an examination. In the United States, which does not feel very united these days, the media sides with those with the deepest pockets - namely the biggest business' filled with board rooms of evil and conspiring men and women set on wealth, control and power over our lives.
My field of study and expertise is in the realm of healthcare. Everyday I strive to help my patients understand the path to optimal health - of course, as I understand it. I don't have all of the answers. I wish I had more. Health, as many of you have discovered, is tricky and often elusive. However most of us know when something doesn't sound or feel right.
One of my frustrations comes when I read the medical - scientific research which uncovers information repeatedly and it is disregarded or shouted down by the prescribing medical community. One of the hallmarks of valid research is that it is repeatable. It is not just one persons or organizations opinion - especially when that opinion has a dollar to make. In-house research should always be suspect. But in-house research can and should spur others to either validate or disprove those conclusions.
As follows is an example of an issue some of you should be aware of:
The Blood Thinner Warfarin is now linked to calcification in the heart and blood vessels. (The American Journal of Medicine (2016) 129, 635.e1-635.e4)
In 2016 Warfarin (Coumadin) was the #1 prescribed blood thinning drug in the USA with over 19 million using it. Coumadin/Warfarin now clearly shows that it causes calcium deposits in the aortic heart valve resulting in a narrowing or malfunctioning valve (aortic stenosis). The medical community suggest that the only treatment is heart valve replacement. (Journal of the American College of Cardiology .Vol 66 No. 5 2015)
No discussion of what is causing this growing problem is considered. Some have suggested that cholesterol lowering statin drugs could solve this problem, but three separate independent randomized controlled trials of patients with aortic stenosis showed that statin drugs utterly failed in stopping the progression or reversing of aortic stenosis. Some of these studies even indicated that statin drugs accelerate the progression of calcium deposits in the blood vessels and heart valves.
Plumbers have long known the cure for calcium deposits in pipes. It is interesting to note that calcium builds up as temperature rises. This is why calcium deposits in the hot water inlet of your washing machine and not the cold. The temperature of circulating blood in your body is 100.4˚F - the perfect range for calcium deposits.
It turns out that phosphorus in the form of phosphoric acid works not only for the plumber but also for the human body. Phosphorus binds on to calcium in the aortic valve and carries it away. Could it be that what plumbers have long known can also be the answer to heart conditions responsible for the death of thousands? The New England Journal of Medicine seems to think so. And without any adverse effects. (The New England Journal of Medicine Volume 274 January 6, 1966
Inorganic Phosphate treatment of Hypercalcemia of Diverse Etiologies)
It is noted that calcium build up in the heart valves resulting in stenosis or narrowing of the blood flow passageway was demonstrating what is known as phosphorus starvation or a severe lack of phosphorus. Treatment with Phosphorus resulted in the phosphorus binding on to the calcium in the aortic and mitral valves and carrying the calcium build up away. Because the phosphorus was tightly bound to the calcium there was no build up of calcium in the blood or to other parts of the body. As the calcium deposits in the heart were resolved, heart and valve function returned to a healthy normal without any adverse or negative effects.
In the September 2010 Journal of Clinical Cardiology it reveals that only one-third of new doctors were able to identify important cardiac sounds. It goes on to state that phonocardiography (listening to and recording heart sounds) is the GOLD STANDARD for detecting heart sounds and the problems that can be revealed by listening to the heart. Why is it that the gold standard for evaluating the heart is no longer demanded of medical professionals?! To me it is crazy that such a valuable tool such as expertise in listening to the heart is no longer required of physicians or for all heart professionals for that matter. We are thrilled that with the technology of Heart Sound Recordings, we are able to witness the sounds consistent with calcification and stenosis and many other conditions revealed by listening to the heart.
What is even more exciting is witnessing and being able to document the resolution of these abnormal findings in as short as one month after taking our extremely potent and safe and effective Standard Process supplements. We are so blessed to have natural wholefood supplements from Standard Process can help you not only feel better but be better. By analyzing the Heart Sound Recordings we are able to recommend specific products that can turn around and correct the problem.
More people die of heart failure than any other condition. Much of it is the result of poor diet and lifestyle choices. However, our bodies have an amazing ability to recover when given the proper tools and support.
High tech tools to gather this information is available today. Heck, we've got it right here in our office. We've got the Gold Standard. We invite you to come in for a Heart Sound Recording and get your heart back on track. Receive a print out of your heart sounds, the rate, rhythm, the ups, downs and see for yourself what is going on.
Dr Kyle Christensen
October 2019

AutoImmunity & Osteoarthritis

Autoimmunity & Osteoarthritis
Kyle D Christensen, DC     November 2019
Ever wonder why a dog is old at 12 years, when at 12 years old us humans are just getting started. The old notion was the old bones suffer from wear and tear and can only last so long. When I look at my face in the mirror, I am puzzled by the fact that my skin cells are completely replaced every 27 days. That means every month, I get a new face! So why then are my dying old cells replaced with cells that look like 60 years old and not those nice 22 year-old looking cells I used to have.
It turns out that our immune systems are integrally involved in both the aging and degenerative processes. The body actually produces antibodies (think the immune system's attack force) against the bones and other organs, tissues and glands that results in the effects of aging and degeneration. The normal aging process is controlled or regulated through the immune system. When the immune system is overly stressed, organs, glands and tissues can be targeted by creating antibodies against our own tissues!
Here are a few articles from the scientific literature that discusses this:
Autoantibodies to osteopontin in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
The Journal of Rheumatology 2001 Jul:28(7):1492-5.
Screening of an autoantibody signature of early knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative     Annuals of the Rheumatic Diseases Friday, 15 June 2018
Immunopathogenesis of osteoarthritis
Journal of Clinical Immunology (2013) 146, 185-196
If wear and tear were the cause of arthritis, then anyone and everyone who worked hard would have it. And the more active people would have more wear and tear. Yet we see, especially in the longevity studies, many people well advanced in age, who have labored physically their whole lives have minimal degenerative changes or arthritis.
Here's another piece of evidence that is commonly seen or experienced. Grandma has left hip pain. The right one is fine, but the left is disabling. She has x-rays and MRI and it is determined that her left hip is bone to bone - No more cartilage- no wonder you can hardly walk. The right side is fine. She is schedule for hip replacement, which is successfully performed and she feels so much better. Then something interesting happens. Within 3 to 6 months the right hip begins to hurt and within a year the right hip is just as bad as the left one was and requires replacement surgery. This second joint that rapidly degenerated was not the result of wear and tear as many assume, but rather it was the immune system attacking the other joint.
You see, antibodies for the hip joint had been created which actually caused the destruction of both joints. The immune systems focus was initially on the left hip because that is where all of the action was. The immune system is designed to eliminate anything that is determined to be harmful or unnecessary. Usually a virus or bacteria or some other pathogen but also dead or dying (necrotic) tissues. However, with stress, injury, disease or repeated trauma, the lymphatic system (which is designed to carry away waste or damaged tissue) can become overwhelmed. The excess cells needing to be removed from an area can flood into the bloodstream where they don't belong.  Necrotic or damaged bone or cartilage cells that get pushed into the bloodstream sets off the immunological alarm resulting in the immune system creating an antibody (in essence putting a flag on the misplaced cells in the bloodstream signaling the immune system to attack and eliminate this!).
As a result, the immune system has now been programmed to attack damaged bone or cartilage cells of the hip variety. If the initial issue with the bone or cartilage is not fixed and these damaged cells continue to leak into the bloodstream the immune system will follow the breadcrumb trail of dead cells to the source.  It finds bone and cartilage cells at the hip and the fight begins there. The destruction of the hip joint, which may have started out with a fairly minor injury, is now under full attack and can be compromised or degenerate fairly quickly. Once the damage hip is replaced with an artificial one, the immune system doesn't stop. The antibodies looking for damaged hip cells continues and with even a minor injury or stress to the remaining hip, the immune system can kick back into gear - cleaning up bad or damaged hip cells. The same scenario is true for knees, lungs, the brain, skin, or any other organ as well.
This all suggests that perhaps the key to slowing the aging process and the breakdown of the body is fostering a healthy immune system. The integrity of the immune system is moderated by many factors: genetics, diet, sleep, relationships, physical activity, and stress management are among some of the key factors.
For this article, lets consider osteoarthritis, which is often thought of as the joints simply wearing out. If what the research describes is true, then the key to relief is not simply taking pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, but rather deal with the immunological factors. Namely, the stopping or controlling of the immune system response that is attacking the joints.
A special type of supplement known as a protomorphogen has proven to not only give symptomatic relief of osteo or degenerative arthritis but also has the ability to stop its progression and even reverse it. The specific supplement for the bones and joints is Ostrophin PMG by Standard Process.
A protomorphogens (pro-toe-more-fo-gen) or PMG supplements manufactured by Standard Process will help your organ/gland or tissue that may be having a problem as result of autoimmunity. Protomorphogens are the protein from the DNA of the cells. Protomorphogens act as decoys, tying up the autoantibodies and calling off the immune attack of the organ, gland or tissue. PMGs buys time for the body to heal by diverting the antibodies away from the tissue so it can heal. PMGs calms down the autoimmune response to that tissue. PMGs are made from and are for specific organs, glands or tissues.
Four Functions of Protomorphogens (PMG)
1. Acts as a Decoy: The immune system Antibodies attacks the PMG in the digestive tract instead of the organ or gland
2. Oral Tolerance/desensitization/tolerization: Consuming an antigen (the PMG) orally makes the immune system less aggressive against itself.
3. A Rich source of mirco-RNA, which help regulate gene expression in all cells while helping to rebuild healthy DNA.
4. Nutrition: protein & trace minerals in the PMG provide nutritional building block to restore and rebuild damaged or compromised organs, glands and tissues.
The following is a suggested treatment protocol for Osteoarthritis:
  • Ostrophin PMG - 3 tablets morning and 3 tablets evening on an empty stomach (30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating)
  • Cataplex C - 6 per day - to form collagen in the body
  • Calcifood Wafers 6 to 9 per day - to provide calcium that is extremely bioavailable
  • Cataplex D - 4 per day - to pull calcium from the digestive tract into the bloodstream
  • Cataplex F - 6 per day (or Cod Liver oil 2-6 capsules daily) - to pull calcium from the bloodstream into the muscles, tissues, and bones.  
Bone regenerates slower than other tissues so expect to stay on this protocol for 12 months or longer.
Want to simplify and save a little money? - use Standard Process' Bone Health Daily Fundamentals. Conveniently packaged in packets that can be carried in purse or pocket.
For Immediate Symptomatic pain relief many are finding great success with our 3 KINGS herbal formula. Called 3 KINGS because it contains Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. The gold of this formula are the herbs: turmeric and fenugreek. The classic herbs in this inspired formula carry with them healing power to body, mind and spirit. Turmeric was referred to as the golden spice and was considered more valuable than the precious metal gold during the time of Christ. It is thought that the Spice Traders, known as the Magi or 3 Kings, presented to the Christ child Gold (Turmeric), Frankincense and Myrrh as gifts of healing as well as wealth. I don't know if the turmeric part of this story is true but it works nicely for the purposes of this herbal formula, doesn't it.
We now combine the rich tradition of Gold/Turmeric, Frankincense and Myrhh for your benefit to reduce pain and inflammation. These herbs have been document to assist in the recovery of Arthritis, Autoimmune disease, Neurologic Diseases, Type II Diabetes, Lung conditions, Alzheimers Disease as well as Cardiovasular Disease. Fenugreek has been added to this formula because of the great enhancing effect when combined with turmeric. Fenugreek has repeatedly been shown to increase the bioavailability (the bodies ability to use) of turmeric by 24.8 to 45.6 times! Wow! We just couldn't leave it out.
We sell this formula in a kit allowing you to save significantly by encapsulating these powdered herbs yourself. Make over 1,000 - 500mg capsules for under $100.
Don't want to capsule them yourself? No problem! We also carry Medi-Herb's Turmeric Forte tablets, which also contains the essential Turmeric-Fenugreek combination.
Now back to our beloved aging dog. Yes, these bone restorative supplements can also be used for them.
Standard Process' Veterinary supplement: Musculoskeletal Support combined with Calcifood (either wafer or powdered) will bring mans best friend back into romping activity.
Dr Kyle Christensen
November 2019