Thursday, October 29, 2020

Comorbidity & COVID-19


Co-Morbidity & COVID-19
94% of COVID deaths reported on August 26, 2020 by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) are associated with a co-morbidity factor. Half of those are associated with Ischemic Heart Disease and Atrial Fibrillation. There are also many strong links with calcium deficiency and anemia. We will not be going into things like Diabetes or Cancer here (those could take up their own papers on their own). This means that only 6% of reported deaths from COVID were due to COVID alone. 94% of those who died with COVID had other health problems that so compromised them that COVID seemed to be the final push toward their demise. 

Today, we will discuss how to strengthen your body so that the most common causes of comorbidity (other factors that contributed to death) can be reduced or eliminated entirely. 
Three of the most prominent comorbidity factors are: 
1) Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) and Ischemic Heart Failure
2) Hypocalcemia (low calcium)
3) Anemia
AFib and Heart Disease
According to The American Heart Association (2017): When left untreated AFib can increase your risk of having a stroke by 500% and double your chances of a heart-related death.
The AHA recommends staying alert to Afib symptoms: 
  • A fluttering heart
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lightheadedness
  • Feeling winded even while at rest (Shortness of breath)
  • Chest pain 
  • Fainting

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) and Cardiac Arrhythmia (irregular heart beats) are commonly associated with Hearing Loss (tinnitus) and cognitive impairment (dementia)
Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association -hearing impairment is independently associated with cognitive impairment in elderly (over 65 years old) atrial fibrillation patients. In simple terms hearing loss is a sign that you are losing your mind and are having heart problems. 

AFib is typically associated with high blood pressure. So if your blood pressure is climbing, chances are you are heading toward atrial fibrillation and may already be there and not know it.

We have found in our practice that the B vitamins, particularly vitamin B4, greatly improve the heart’s function and ability to maintain a regular and consistent heartbeat.  

Hypocalcemia (low blood calcium)
American Journal of Medicine 1988 
An article entitled: Prevalence and clinical implications of hypocalcemia (low calcium) in acute ill patients in a medical intensive care setting. 70% of sick patients were found to have decreased levels of both total and ionized calcium. There is a strong association between sepsis (toxicity) and hypocalcemia. The mortality of hypocalcemic patients is significantly greater than normocalcemic patients.

Microbial Pathogenesis Journal, May 1998
Calcium is necessary for killing bacteria in the body. The blood calcium levels can determine if exposure to an illness is mild or becomes severe.

When a child is infected with a virus or bacteria, a fever will spike due to hypocalcemia. Thus giving a feverish child calcium (preferably in the form of Calcium Lactate - which is only one physiologic step from calcium bicarbonate which is what the body requires and uses) will quickly lower the fever. 

Likewise according to WHO (World Health Organization), calcium is the preferred and most effective treatment for sepsis, toxic shock syndrome or postpartum/maternal sepsis. Hypocalcemia (low calcium) is associated with infection, fever and the toxic waste resulting from microbial overgrowth (bacteria & virus).

virus cannot bother us unless we have a calcium deficiency. So, who is our chief suspect when it comes to low calcium in the body? None other than processed sugar. A study published in The Missouri State Medical Association in May/June 2018 suggests that excess consumption of refined carbohydrates (ie. white flour products) and processed or added sugar causes osteoporosis and the leaching of calcium from the body which results in hypocalcemia. Of course, soft drinks/soda pop are the primary culprit. And please, please don’t fool yourself into thinking diet soda is any better. It is far worse for many, many other reasons.

The primary function of hemoglobin is to secure atmospheric oxygen from the lungs to the blood and deliver the oxygen to the tissues of the body. There are over 400 types of anemia (Yikes!). But the most common is caused by iron deficiency. Common causes of deficiency include not getting iron rich foods in your diet or the taking of antacids (Tums, Rolaids, etc.) plus a crazy long list of prescription medications (seriously talk to your pharmacist to check the drugs you may be taking). In older patients, anemia of any degree contributes significantly to morbidity (getting a disease) and mortality (dying) and has a significant effect on the quality of life.

Oxford Academic Journal July 2020
Article titled: Serum Iron Levels as a Potential predictor of CoronaVirus Disease 2019 severity and mortality: a retrospective study.   Published from WuHan China Medical Center 
90% of sick patients had low serum iron levels. And Serum iron levels could predict the severity of the case.  

Meaning: Almost all hospitalized COVID cases in WuHan, China were iron deficient and the seriousness of the infection could be predicted by how low the iron levels actually were!

European Journal of Epidemiology May 2020
Iron metabolism and Anemia play an important role in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in COVID-19. Hemoglobin levels were lower in older age, diabetes, hypertension and those with overall comorbidities (illnesses).

Journal of Clinical Medicine July 2020
Anemia was associated with a significantly higher in-hospital mortality rate and linked to advanced inflammation and significantly longer hospital stay. Initial (or pre-existing) anemia is associated with increased mortality. Anemia is associated with Severe COVID19 disease and an unfavorable outcome.

When a person is anemic, they will be starved for oxygen which is exacerbated (made worse) with an illness such as COVID-19.

European Journal of Nutrition 
Lacto-Fermented foods increase the availability of iron (ferric iron). Eating sauerkraut helps you absorb iron in your diet.

Iron Deficiency, Anemia, affects 33% of the world's population and is associated with chronic kidney disease, chronic heart failure, cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.
Symptoms include: hearing loss and tinnitus, fatigue, weakness, fast heartbeat, brittle nails, pale skin and shortness of breath.

A Heart Sound Recording can determine within minutes these nutritional deficiencies.
In summary:
Some of the Risks associated for COVID-19
AFib and Cardiac Arrhythmia 
Most common in the elderly. Others symptoms include: Hearing loss and cognitive impairment (memory loss, lack of mental clarity and dementia).

Calcium Deficiency (Hypocalcemia)
Found commonly in the elderly (over 65) and those with heart arrhythmia and Afib. Hypocalcemia compromises the immune system's ability to fight viruses.  

Iron Deficiency Anemia 
Common in the elderly, especially those with hearing loss and cognitive impairment

Eventually, all of us will be exposed to COVID-19 regardless of masks and social distancing. The evidence provided by the CDC clearly details that the biggest factor associated with whether you live or die is your health coming into it. We suggest that underlying causes be addressed now rather than later. Pay attention to the physical signs and symptoms that may be observed without a medical test. 
  • Hearing loss
  • Memory loss
  • Fluttering heart
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears)
  •  Lack of mental clarity
  •  Shortness of breath
  •  Weak immune system (getting sick more often than others). 

These comorbidity factors can and should be turned around. Many have experienced quick and lasting results that are verified by medical testing (Heart Sound Recording). The use of Whole Food supplements, we have found to be the key. Your commonly found grocery store or health food store synthetic vitamins and minerals will not do the job (and in some cases may actually make the problem worse). 

Our research suggests that whole food sources are the way to go 

The correct B vitamins (wholefood Cataplex B®) can turn around AFib and Arrhythmias often within minutes. We can demonstrate this to you in the office with a Heart Sound Recording.

Calcium Lactate®, being only one metabolic step from being utilized by your body and the avoidance of processed sugars (including refined carbs ie white flour) will decrease the severity and fight infection.

An iron supplement such as Ferrofood® contains ferric iron (which is not constipating like most other iron pills) and will build and mature your blood cells, increasing the oxygen which is delivered to your cells.

Supplements we often recommend to build your body during the cold and flu season 
Cataplex B-Core® (3 per day) or Cataplex B® (6 per day)
Calcium Lactate® 9 per day
Ferrofood® 2 per day

We encourage each of us to do what we can to stay healthy.


Dr Kyle Christensen
                                    September 2020, Kyle D Christensen, DC

1 comment:

  1. My mother has afib and takes warfarin wouldn't Cataplex B and the calcium will be interacting with it negatively ? Also my aunts got covid and they have afib but they healed from it ( recently. It seems the virus is not as strong as when it started almost a year a ago
