Monday, July 30, 2018

Healthy Low-Inflammation Diet

A Healthy Low-Inflammation Diet
A healthy diet is essentially what I refer to as a Vegetarian that cheats.  Namely, a whole natural foods diet that is predominantly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds with the addition of wholesomely produced eggs, dairy products and meats. Not only is the quality of our food important but also how it is prepared. The benefits of eating healthy go beyond good taste and nutrition.  There is even a spiritual component to eating healthy foods. Eating healthy is simple, but in our day and age, not easy.

Guidelines for a Super Healthy Healing Low Inflammation Diet

  • Eat whole, natural foods.
  • Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them before they do.
  • Eat naturally-raised meat including fish, seafood, poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats and eggs.
·       Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as whole yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, whole cheeses, crème fresh and sour cream. Dairy consumption should be limited.
  • Use only traditional fats and oils including butter and other animal fats, extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed sesame and flax oil and the tropical oils—coconut and palm oils.  These good fats are needful and very healthy.  
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, in salads and soups, or lightly steamed.  Fruits and vegetables should be eaten in the appropriate seasons.
  • Use whole grains and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sourdough leavening to neutralize phytic acid and other anti-nutrients.
·       Breads should be whole grain organic, sourdough and made fresh. Freshly ground flour is optimal.
·       Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables (sauerkraut), fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis.  These contain probiotics or the good bacteria and are super healthy for the digestive tract. Everyday eat some sauerkraut, Kim Chi, kvass, kefir, yogurt or Kombucha.
  • Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb or fish and use liberally in soups and sauces. The gelatin and minerals can heal digestive issues.
  • Sprout seeds and legumes.  They are packed with nutrition and extremely healthy.
  • Use a variety of herbs and spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, rosemary, basil, ginger and oregano.
  • Use herb teas and coffee substitutes in moderation.
  • Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.  Chlorinated tap water is unhealthy.
  • Use unrefined Celtic Sea Salt or Real Salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation.
  • Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and expeller expressed flax oil. Organic cold-pressed oils are also good choices.
  • Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, dehydrated cane sugar juice and stevia powder.
  • Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel.
  • Use only natural whole food and herbal supplements.
  • Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light. 
  • Think positive thoughts and minimize stress.
  • Practice forgiveness.  Forgiveness means letting go of negative & harmful emotions.
Anti-Inflammatory Foods to emphasize

·       Blue berries
·       Raw Oats
·       Ginger
·       Green Tea
·       Dark Chocolate
·       Wild Salmon
·       Turmeric
·       Beets
·       Broccoli (cruciferous)
·       Black beans
·       EVOO – Extra Virgin Olive Oil
·       Tomatoes
·       Chia seeds
·       Pineapple
·       Spinach
·       Whole Grains (Quinoa, Brown Rice, Millet, Amaranth)
·       Eggs
·       Garlic

An Unhealthy High-Inflammation Diet

We live in a culture that actively markets food that is unhealthy.  Foods that are highly processed, laden with chemical preservatives, additives, hormones, antibiotics and many artificial substances that can result in poor health and disease.  Today we see degenerative diseases such as diabetes in children when a generation ago this was almost nonexistent. We are free to choose the foods we eat, but cannot choose the consequences.  Remember, it is not what you eat some of the time, but what you eat most of the time that ultimately determines your health.  Eating healthy may not be as convenient, but poor health is really inconvenient.

Listed below is a list of foods that have proven to cause health problems and increase the risk of degenerative disease. Sadly, this is also a list of the typical American Diet.

Dietary Dangers

  • Don't eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, Ramen noodles, etc.
  • Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Avoid white flour, white flour products and white rice.
  • Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils.
  • Avoid all vegetable oils made from soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed.
  • Do not use polyunsaturated oils for cooking, sauteing or baking.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Do not practice strict vegetarianism (veganism); animal products provide vital nutrients not found in plant foods.
  • Avoid products containing protein powders.
  • Avoid pasteurized milk; do not consume lowfat milk, skim milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products.
  • Avoid mass-produced eggs and factory-farmed meats.
  • Avoid highly processed luncheon meats and sausage containing MSG and other additives.
  • Avoid rancid and improperly prepared seeds, nuts and grains found in granolas, quick rising breads and extruded breakfast cold cereals, as they block mineral absorption and cause intestinal distress.
  • Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed, bioengineered (GMO) or irradiated fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Most soups, sauce and broth mixes and commercial condiments contain MSG, even if not so labeled.
  • Avoid caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.
  • Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, baking powder and antacids. Do not use aluminum cookware or aluminum-containing deodorants.
  • Do not drink fluoridated water.
  • Avoid synthetic vitamins and foods containing them.
  • Do not drink distilled liquors.
  • Do not use a microwave oven.
Wow!! Avoiding all of these foods can be a tremendous challenged that not everyone is up for, however, look at the health of our country and your family then decide if it is appropriate to make any changes.
     Dr. Kyle Christensen     May 2018  for more information contact me at

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