Monday, March 8, 2021

Informed Consent


Informed Consent and Other Absurdities
Kyle Christensen, DC January 2021
We live in a time where truth can be whatever you decide it to be. The ancient prophet Isaiah talks about the day when good would be called evil and evil good. Bitter would be called sweet and darkness would be called light. (Isaiah 5:20).

We have come to a place in our country where we are being pulled to one side or the other. Many see neighbors and even family members as the opposition. Rather than exercising our political rights and working together for an honest outcome, we listen to talking points of fractured truths. Each side accusing the other of "fake news".  Lines have been drawn and too readily we are influenced to one side or the other, all the while becoming convinced that the other side is delusional or intellectually compromised. What is discouraging is how difficult it is to have an honest and open conversation with an effort to establish agreed upon facts coming to reasonable conclusions. I am wary of those who quickly fall into shouting and name calling rather than engaging in a civil discussion.

With that said, let me touch on several issues and some truths I adhere to.
COVID-19 has changed the world. We all have heard stories that question the honesty of how things are being handled. The divide between those who wear masks and those who question their validity is immense. We see studies that support each side of each issue. And of course, depending on who you listen to, you are pushed to think the opposing side doesn’t care, doesn’t understand, etc.  Many of us suspect we are being manipulated. We should all agree that the shutdown has not been good, socially and financially. 

Honestly, we want and I believe we can handle the truth. It is okay that the truth trickles in slowly. It’s okay for medical and political leaders to admit what we first thought was wrong or incomplete. And now, based on more current information, we need to shift what we do.
The Great Barrington Declaration ( which discusses the COVID situation, I believe is a rational consideration. And whether you agree with the conclusions or not, it should be discussed and not dismissed because it doesn’t jive with one side or the others agenda. We want and need an open and honest discussion that doesn’t involve name calling or shouting. 
Putting all of our hope in a hastily manufactured vaccine with questionable patents and technologies, to me, is worrisome. I have long been an advocate for Informed Consent when it comes to vaccines. Please, please give me the truth. I will not be satisfied when I am told that all vaccines are safe, when the evidence demonstrates otherwise. Do not make vaccines mandatory. Even if this vaccine were safe, the precedent of mandating it opens the door for more and more mandates. Let’s have some honest research (not funded by those who stand to profit). Then with honest information, let individuals decide whether or not they want the vaccine. If after studying and learning the truth, someone wants to vaccinate themself and their kids, they should have the right to do so. But informed consent also demands that if someone through research and discovery chooses not to vaccinate, that should be honored as well. 
The constitution is pretty clear in that we should have elections that represent the voice of the people. We are a democratic republic which means we elect representatives to vote on our behalf. We are not a democracy which is basically the popular vote rules. Agree with this or not, that's the law of our land. We are also promised transparency in the election and political process. Those who disagree with the process have the law-given right to contest the results. When results are contested, they must be examined. This was true when Democratic Rep. Barbara Boxer contested George Bush’s election over John Kerry in 2004 and it is true today when representatives and senators have the right to contest the election results of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. There is a legal process which should be observed and followed, independent of the rage and cries of either party or the media.
Food and Nutrition
We have had marketers and advertisers for decades now that flat out and absolutely lie to us about their products. Proof and validation of their claims is not legally required. We were told for years that coconut oil will clog your arteries so that more Crisco oil could be sold (which does in fact clog your arteries). We have sugar, in all of it’s evil permutations, enticing us at every meal even though research clearly shows the direct connection between a plethora of chronic health conditions from obesity and diabetes to heart attacks, strokes, liver disease, and osteoarthritis. Yet added sugar and its sinister emissary high fructose corn syrup are given a free pass in the media and marketplace with about 80% of all food items in the grocery store containing some amount of added sugar (not to mention all of the fast and convenience foods constantly on display).

The truth with foods based on my understanding (which is highly validated with lots of research) is that we should be eating whole natural foods. We should be chewing our food thoroughly and eating slowly. We should drink water. Fruit juices and soda pop lead to illness and disease. Seriously, I don’t need to tell you what you should be eating, and for that matter I shouldn’t have to remind you to slow down, but changing habits that are continually being reinforced by the media are hard to break, especially when marketing and advertising promotes unhealthy foods and practices. Want more information on my views for eating healthy and losing weight? Check out our recommended diet plan (The LAW Diet) and our views on how to lose weight in a healthy manner.

I want the truth. I want evil and corruption to be fully exposed. I want dishonest deeds, secret dealings and treasonous activity blown wide open. I don’t care if the truth implicates conservatives or liberals, republicans or democrats, christians or any others. I want evil behavior exposed and shouted from the housetops (Luke 12:3). For me this is especially true for those involved in the sex slavery industry. Of course, the modern-day version of shouting from the rooftops is the internet. One challenge with this of course is the tight and protective censorship of the tech industry and the media, which seem to protect and buoy up evil while mocking and shutting down anything that is contrary to their objectives. Surely the fox is ruling the hen house.

It is my intent to respect the legal rights of others and in return have my rights honored. While some are claiming informed consent is absurd because people are not smart enough to understand the complexities that govern their own health and safety, I strongly disagree. Gone are the days when only the doctors can figure out what to do about health issues and politicians can only understand complex civil issues. We have access, with the internet, to just about everything (except the secret backroom dealings and deceptive things purposefully kept from our eyes). 

There will come a day when each of us will choose where we stand. The division has begun and the chasm between opposing sides grows wider with each passing day and event. It is my prayer that we will each align ourselves on the side of truth and righteousness. On the side of freedom and liberty. On the side of fairness and not looking for more free stuff and false promises of security. Benjamin Franklin wisely spoke “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” 

I pray that when the division and separation in society fully occurs, each person will be on the side of their choosing with full understanding and knowledge that this is where they want to be. I pray that no one will think they are fighting for liberty, goodness and what is right only to realize too late their ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. 


Dr Kyle Christensen
5 January 2021

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts, all of them, and feel that they are truth! Thank you, Dianne
