Monday, December 3, 2018

Normal is not Optimal - Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

Normal is not Optimal
Here's a far too typical scenario. Someone is not feeling well. They get referred for a blood test to try to figure out what is wrong. After the blood test, they call the doctor or hospital for the results and are told "When we get the results, we will give you a call if something is wrong. If you don't hear from us, that means your lab tests were fine." Seriously? Or how about this one: you are told that "the lab test was a little high, we'll just keep an eye on it." Seriously? Isn't that just code language that the numbers are not bad enough to prescribe a drug, but if you continue on your course of ill health, soon enough we can write you a prescription. Nearly all of us want to avoid taking drugs. Most people are not excited when they get to go to the pharmacy to get a drug. 

Blood Chemistry really is a wonderful tool. But all too often lab results are looked at individually and within a very broad range of what may be considered normal. Understand that normal, medically speaking, means you are not in the absolute disease or crisis range. Normal does not mean healthy. Ideally, blood chemistry should be analyzed and looked at for optimal ranges rather than only a state of severe disease. When all of the lab result numbers are correlated with all of the other numbers, a much different picture can be revealed. 

A Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) and report takes your lab data and analyzes it to help you understand what's going on inside your body. Like a fingerprint, people are individuals with unique biochemical characteristics. Even people with the same diagnosis or condition can have different contributing imbalances. That's why for optimal results, health decisions should incorporate understandable information about your biochemistry that you can take action on, and will lead you to definite improvement and results.  The bottom line of any test, analysis and treatment must be RESULTS. Blood chemistry results, for optimal benefit must be analyzed, searching for pathways to optimal health rather than simply waiting for disease with pharmaceutical management. 

We are truly excited to have discovered and  begun utilizing Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis - FBCA developed by Dr. Dicken Weatherby. 

Are you interested in learning what is really going on with your health? Lab work and Blood Chemistry is great, but only if it can be used to restore you to better health.  When lab data can give you accurate diagnoses that not only shows you what is wrong, but also where your health is trending, you are in a position to do something about it. 

One of the great things about FBCA is our ability to correlate with Standard Process supplements.  I have been recommending Standard Process for over 30 years.  Standard Process is unique because of their use of taking whole foods to make their supplements. You get the active ingredients plus all of the co-factors, synergists, buffers, etc. Everything God, and nature, designed for the complete utilization of what you need. Nearly all vitamin supplements on the market today are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. Ingredients are purchased by supplement manufacturers and they combine and package them. And sadly, a recent study showed that many of these vitamin supplements are tainted or contaminated with pharmaceuticals or drugs. What?!!! That is truly worrisome. 
Standard Process is one of the very few companies who truly grow and manufacture their own supplements.  I, and thousands of other practitioners, have found great results using Standard Process.

To run your existing blood chemistry results normally runs $150.  For the month of December the cost for the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, complete with a Functional Health Report and Nutritional recommendations, will be only $75.  Share with us your Blood Chemistry results.  Let us run the numbers and receive a detailed analysis and report (50 - 80 pages in length) with clear and significant recommendation during your FBCA consultation. 

If you have been frustrated with the lack of clear direction in improving your health, this can be your answer; the difference between bumping along the downward spiral of declining health and understanding the steps to regaining your health and vitality.

Our Mission
We are dedicated to helping you get well as quickly and as economically as possible.

Dr Kyle Christensen - December 2018

December 2018 Special
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
including comprehensive report with recommendations
 to set you on the course to better health.
Only $75
Normally $150
Does not include lab services and fees

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