Monday, July 30, 2018

AutoImmune Recovery Protocols

AutoImmune Recovery Protocols
Dr Kyle Christensen May 2018

The key to recovery from autoimmunity is to rebuild the immune systems, kill the stealthy pathogens, heal the digestive system, and restore the damaged tissues (as best we can). Then of course, prevention of future problems is insured by a healthy lifestyle. 

We recommend several options for recovery. The first is using products from Standard Process. We hardily endorse these great products and thousands have found success with these products and protocols. Secondly, for those who would like, we also offer herbal remedies that can be made on your own that will replace some of the MediHerb products (the herbal line from Standard Process). When making your own remedies from formulas we have developed, you can save money as well as create quantities sufficient for yourself and those you seek to care for.

Of course, a healthy diet, adequate sleep and relaxation, moderate exercise, keeping well hydrated, and allergy elimination treatments (if needed) are important. Your emotional and spiritual health cannot be overlooked. We have tools and guidelines that can help. Understand we are not interested in a quick and shallow fix that will only temporarily ease symptoms. The goal is true health. True recovery will take effort and some changes.  Much of what you have done is right on target. Here we give you a systematic program that can make the decisive difference.

 We are here for you to answer you questions and concerns. To guide you and help motivate you.


Dr Kyle Christensen

Rebuilding the Immune System
This is the first key in your recovery. If you don’t feel well and haven’t for a while, you need to start here. Many suffer from chronic low-level infections. Having a healthy and robust immune system is vital to your recovery.
Plan for 2-3 months for rebuilding the immune system (usually feeling better in 3-4 weeks)

Standard Process Protocol
1.     Echinacea Premium 2-3/day
2.     Rehmannia Complex 3-4/day
3.     Immuplex 3-6/day
4.     Three Kings (Gold/Frankincense & Myrrh) 6 capsules/day 
5.     PMG (protomorphogen – the protein of the DNA found within the nucleus of the cell – each cell type having a different protomorphogen) – use the one where they have symptoms
Work up to taking 6 per day
Take on empty (30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after eating)
Additional you can add for a quicker, better result
6.     Vitanox 1-2/day
7.     Calcium Lactate 1 tsp-1 Tbs/day
8.     Standard Process – Daily Fundementals Packets (1 packet morning and 1 packet evening containing: 3 Catalyn, 1Trace Mineral-B12, 2 Tuna Omega-3 oil)

Why take a Protomorphogen
Protomorphogens (pro-toe-more-fo-gen) or PMG supplements manufactured by Standard Process that will help your organ/gland or tissue that may be having a problem as result of autoimmunity. Protomorphogens are the protein from the DNA of the cells. Protomorphogens tie up the negative antibodies and calls off the immune attack of the organ, gland or tissue. PMG buys time for the body to heal by diverting the antibodies away from the tissue so it can heal. PMG calms down the autoimmune response to that tissue. PMG are made from and are for specific organs, glands or tissues.

Four Functions of Protomorphogens (PMG)
1. Acts as a Decoy: The immune system Antibodies attacks the PMG in the digestive tract instead of the organ or gland
2. Oral Tolerance/desensitization/tolerization: Consuming an antigen (the PMG) orally makes the immune system less aggressive against itself.
3. A Rich source of mircoRNA, which help regulate gene expression in all cells while helping to rebuild healthy DNA.
4. Nutrition: protein & trace minerals in the PMG provide nutritional building block to restore and rebuild damaged or compromised organs, glands and tissues.

Protocol for taking a Protomorphogen
PMG’s are best taken on an empty stomach - 30 min before eating or 2 hours after eating/before bed
Build up your dosage of PMG over a week
Take 1 tablet morning, then 1 evening for 2 days
Take 2 tablets morning, 2 evening for 3-4 days
then 3 in the morning, 3 evening
If you have any reaction (histamine response – runny nose, feeling achy) this is actually a positive response letting you know we have found the correct area to work on because the immune system is reacting to the protomorphogen. You may need to back off the amount of PMG or take it with food to minimize the reaction. Occasionally some need and can only take small doses at first. Again, if you experience a reaction – you are definitely on the right track – you just need to proceed more slowly.
Dr Kyle Christensen 2018

Dr Christensen’s Herbal Remedy Alternatives for Rebuilding the Immune System
Many of you, like myself, are always looking for ways you can do something yourself and by doing so save some money. By making your own powerful, potent, fast and effective remedies, you will gain greater insight and understanding of these remedies as well as make plenty of formula for yourself and your recovery.

1.     Replace MediHerb Echinacea Premium with Dr Christensen’s Immune Syrup (Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, Cat’s Claw, Pau d’Arco, Eleuthero, Cinnamon)
2.     Replace MediHerb’s Rheumannia 3-4/day or Dr Christensen’s Rehmannia Plus (Rehmannia, Bupleurum, Feverfew, Sarsaparilla)
3.     Standard Process Immuplex 3-6/day
4.     Three Kings (Gold/Frankincense & Myrrh) 6 capsules/day 
5.     Standard Process PMG (protomorphogen – the protein of the DNA found within the nucleus of the cell – each cell type having a different protomorphogen) – use the one where they have symptoms (Adrenals, Thyroid, Pancreas, Muscles, Bones, etc.)
For an even better response, we recommend adding
6.     Replace MediHerb’s Vitanox 1-2/day or Dr Christensen’s Rosemary Formula (Rosemary, Green Tea, Turmeric, Cacao)
7.     Standard Process – Daily Fundementals Packets (1 packet morning and 1 packet evening containing: 3 Catalyn, 1Trace Mineral-B12, 2 Tuna Omega-3 oil)

Clearing Chronic Infections -Stealth Pathogen Protocol
Once your immune system has been aroused and you are feeling somewhat better (typically 3 to 4 weeks into the Immune building phase, you may begin clearing chronic infections. These are often referred to as stealth pathogens, which are harmful virus, bacteria, yeast, mold, etc. that go undetected or only minimally detected by the immune system.
These formulae are designed to kill, eliminate and remove stealth pathogens. Repeat this 2 week protocol for 6-10 Cycles (3-5 months).

Standard Process Protocol
Part ONE: 1-4 days
1.     MediHerb Artemisisinin Complex, 3 bid
2.     MediHerb Myrrh Forte, 4 bid
Part TWO: 5-14 days
1.     MediHerb Viranon, 1 tid
2.     MediHerb Echinacea Premium, 1 tid

Dr Christensen Remedies for Clearing Chronic Infections
Part ONE: 1-4 days
Replace Artemisisinin Complex, 3 bid with Dr Christensen’s Sweet Annie/Myrrh Complex (Artemisia annua, Myrrh, Sarsaparilla) – take ¼ to ½ tsp 3 times daily
Part TWO: 5-14 ays
Replace MediHerb Viranon with Dr Christensen’s  Stealth Pathogen Formula (Thuja, Lomatium, St John’s Wort, Licorice root) ½ tsp 3 times daily
Replace Echinacea Premium with Dr Christensen Immune Syrup ½ tsp 3 times daily

Gut Flora Restoration and Healing a Leaky Gut Program
Weed, Seed & Feed for 10-12 weeks
Standard Process Formulas
2 days Sat/Sunday Weeding:
·      MediHerb Gut Flora Complex 2 bid
·      MediHerb Garlic Forte 2 bid

5 days M-F Seeding & Feeding (Do both the Seed and Feed simultaneously)
·      Standard Process Lact-Enz 2-3 bid and/or ProSynbiotic 2 bid
·      Cyruta Plus 6-9 = 2 tablets 3 times daily – Cyruta heals and seals
·      Sauerkraut, KimChi, Kombucha, Kefir, etc. daily
·      Standard Process Lactic Acid Yeast 3 bid
·      Standard Process Prebiotic Inulin start with ½ bid, then increase by ½ tsp every 3 days. work up to 1 ½ tsp bid
·      Prebiotic Diet – Beans, flax seeds, bananas, berries, asparagus, greens, garlic, onions – non-digestible carbs that feed the probiotics.  When prebiotics and probitoics are combined, they work together to create a healthy environment inside the gut while promoting proper digestion.
·      Vitanox 1 tid
Take Daily
·      Dermatrophin 2 or 3 3 times daily on empty stomach

Dr Christensen Remedies for Restoring the Gut Flora and Healing a Leaky Gut
2 days Sat/Sunday Weeding:
1.     Replace MediHerb Gut Flora Complex with Dr Christensen’s Bitter/Sweet Formula ½ tsp twice daily
2.     Replace MediHerb Garlic Forte with  Dr Christensen’s Garden Tonic ½ tsp twice daily

5 days M-F Seeding & Feeding (Do both the Seed and Feed simultaneously)
·      Standard Process Lact-Enz 2-3 bid and/or ProSynbiotic 2 bid
·      Cyruta Plus 6-9 = 2 tablets 3 times daily – Cyruta heals and seals
·      Sauerkraut, KimChi, Kombucha, Kefir, etc. daily
·      Standard Process Lactic Acid Yeast 3 bid
·      Standard Process Prebiotic Inulin start with ½ bid, then increase by ½ tsp every 3 days. work up to 1 ½ tsp bid
·      Prebiotic Diet – Beans, flax seeds, bananas, berries, asparagus, greens, garlic, onions – non-digestible carbs that feed the probiotics.  When prebiotics and probitoics are combined, they work together to create a healthy environment inside the gut while promoting proper digestion.
·      Vitanox 1 tid
Take Daily
·      Dermatrophin 2 or 3 3 times daily on empty stomach

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