Friday, November 15, 2013

Do Not Discount Home Therapies!

Do Not Discount Home Therapies!
Dear Friends,
It is so satisfying for me when so many of you share your successes with natural health care.  Let me share a story.

A 40 year old woman came to me because she had suddenly lost her hearing in the left ear.  Medical evaluation determined that she had lost 70% of her hearing and was recommended for a hearing aid which would cost about $2,000.  She did not feel right about that and felt that there must be something natural that she could do.  We discovered that she had an upper molar on the left side that was sore.  Dental examination revealed an infection and loss of bone in that tooth socket.  From our cold laser class, we learn that the laser produces hydrogen peroxide within the cells - which can fight infection.  Additionally, she decided to some "Oil Pulling" - this is done by taking a teaspoon of organic, raw extra virgin coconut oil and swishing it around in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes.  Oil pulling is an old Ayurvedic self treatment for pulling toxins or infections from the body.  After several days of using the cold laser and oil pulling.  She felt like the infection was being pulled from the tooth into entire body.  She ran a fever for a very short time as a result.  Then she woke up in the night (about 3:00am) and to her delight, she could hear again in her left ear.  Her hearing was restored 100%.  She was told by the ear doctor that there was nothing that could be done to restore her hearing. It was gone and she'd better come to grips with living the rest of her life with a hear aid. 

There are a couple of important points here.  Firstly, this very spiritual women listened to the quiet whisperings of the spirit, that we both felt guided her to answers that created her miracle.  Second, she was not looking for a single therapy, but was open to doing multiple things simultaneously.  Third, she was very diligent in her studying and searching for answers.  In fact, she came up with the oil pulling, even though I'm familiar with it. It was her recommendation not mine.  And finally, with her healing that thanks and credit were giving to God for guiding, inspiring and comforting her through many months of deafness.

One of the great blessings of natural healing is that we are so often guided by spiritual prompting and our healings and recovery strengthen and renew faith.  Additionally, the spirit and emotions are concurrently blessed and healed in the process.  We are not just looking for the cessation of symptoms, but healing within every aspect of our lives.

While your story may not be as dramatic as this one, please share it with us so others may benefit from your success.
Kyle Christensen, DC, ND, MH   
Big Savings on your Herbal and Healthcare Products! 
As many of you know, I am no longer associated with
Western Botanicals, the herbal manufacturing company I started in the mid 90's. 

Since leaving this company, I have been able to establish an association with Dr. Christopher's herbal manufacturing company and in doing so am able to offer you significant savings on their excellent products.  I received my Master Herbalist degree from Dr. Christophers' School of Natural Healing.  The herbal formulas that I developed for Western Botanicals were based on my education from Dr. Christopher.

I have long encouraged my students and patients to stock up on their herbal supplies.  So here is what I would encourage you to do.  Go to either of these Dr. Christopher sites and place your order through me to receive a discount of:

10% for orders over $100
20% for orders over $200
30% for orders over $300

Order must be placed through me - emailed to
Simply let me know what you'd like and I will let you know how much you can save, then put the order in for you. 

Click on the Herb Shop Connection for herbal remedies
and on Best Botanicals for bulk herbs.

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